Parents all over the world will go to great lengths to make their children eat (or stop eating) certain foods, be it vegetables or milk. Drawing upon our own childhood experiences and these of our fellow CLMC classmates, we have come up with this amusing list of 10 food myths from around the world. Some are quite common, while others are more obscure and imaginative.
Let’s start with the classics that caused nightmares for the whole generation of children:
1. If you swallow a cherry, apple or watermelon seed, it will grow inside your tummy.
2. If you swallow bubble gum, it will get stuck in your tummy.
Now let’s turn to some food lies related to what can be called ‘body image’:
3. In Europe it is believed that bread crusts will make your hair curly.
4. In Russia girls are encouraged to eat cabbage if they want bigger boobs.
Apparently, this one has quite a few geographical variations: pumpkins in China, bread crusts in Poland and Belgium, raw dough in Lithuania.
5. In Scotland and Ireland it's said that porridge puts hair on your chest!
6. Not exactly a body matter, but in Indonesia children are told to eat chilies to fix their lisp (not that it needs fixing).
The list wouldn’t be complete without a good old veggie myth:
8. In the UK and some European countries, it’s been said that carrots help you see in the dark. There is an interesting history behind this one!
Finally, there are some food myths that seem to have no logical explanation whatsoever:
9. In Norway they say eating burnt food will give you beautiful children.
10. In Finland it is believed that cold coffee makes you beautiful, while in Palestine children are told if you drink a lot of coffee you will grow a moustache!
Do you remember any food myths from your childhood? We’d love to hear from you! Leave us a comment below.